Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
We at Akartlogistics Limited and our affiliates (hereinafter referred to as “Akartlogistics”, “we”, “us” or “our”) consider customer trust as our top priority and take the protection of your personal information very seriously. We want you to feel safe using our products, services and solutions (“Services”). This Privacy Policy informs you of the way in which we collect, use, transfer, and store your personal information when you use our Services, as well as your rights in relation to this data.

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully prior to accessing or availing our Services.
1. What data do we collect?
2. When and how do we collect your data?
3. Why do we collect your data?
4. Why do we share your data and with whom?
5. How long do we keep your personal data?
6. How do we secure your personal data?
7. Children
8. What are your rights as a data subjects?
Changes to this Privacy Policy
We may update Akartlogistics’s Privacy Policy from time to time. The revised and most current version of the policy will be updated and posted on the website directly. You are advised to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes. Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.
Your Consent
By using our website, applications, or our Services, you consent to our Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy . A link to both our policies will be provided in the footer of our website or application. You will also be asked to review and consent to our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy when you create an account with us.
Contact Us
At Akartlogistics, we have a dedicated Privacy Officer to address any concerns or questions you might have about the use of your data or generally in relation to this Privacy Policy. You can always reach out to us at with your grievances or questions. You can exercise your rights in accordance with the applicable data protection law.
Please note that support@akartlogistics .com is solely for any concerns you might have in relation to this Privacy Policy or the use of your data by Akartlogistics Limited. THIS IS NOT A CUSTOMER SUPPORT EMAIL and any queries in relation to your packages, etc will not be responded through this ID. For any customer complaints / queries, you can raise a ticket with our Customer Support Desk through our website /support/.